As an aspiring elementary education teacher, there are thousands of blogs that I have spent time reading to take my own interests further. These blogs are crafted by current as well as retired teachers who are sharing about their own experiences of being a teacher. Within these blogs, topics regarding classroom management, specific content areas, fun classroom activities, struggles and successes are all discussed in great detail. As I spend time thinking about my own blog project ideas, I believe I will find there to be a lot of information that I can write about in further detail and provide simply my personal analysis. My hope is to share or provide links to other useful resources. In addition, I anticipate advocating on certain topics such as eliminating state-wide testing, or for longer recesses, there are more politics than one may think are happening within the schools around the nation. Overall, I am very excited to wrap my head around all of the voices that I will be able to draw upon in my blog.