Throughout this course, students learned the effective ways to incorporate technology within a classroom. Technology can serve as a beneficial purpose to address multiple learning styles that a teacher may see. Not only did we learn about different types of programs, we had hands-on experience with tools such as 3D printing. This class added to my professional practice and ability that I’ll be able to take with me into my career.
“The course will provide a survey of critical use of instructional technology appropriate for supporting 21st Century teaching and learning. The course will introduce technology integration tools that support engagement, enhancement, and extension of learning. Using hands-on experience and a Project-Based Learning (PBL) environment students will be actively engaged in learning about the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S**) as they design, implement, and assess learning experiences to engage students and improve learning; enrich professional practice; and provide positive models for students, colleagues, and the community.” – (UNE)
Below, you will see the piece of work that I have selected. This piece of work truly represents one of the learning outcomes of this course. You can think of this project as a wonderful tool to guide your thinking when developing and crafting a lesson plan for students. I remember this as something I was really proud of and something that I still to this day could see myself utilizing in my classroom. As teachers, we are thrown a lot… and I mean A LOT to complete or get done on a schedule that isn’t often developed by teachers, for teachers. Therefore, our brains get packed full of information that it can be difficult to think fully through a lesson or unit plan. So having the ability to create a design thinking template breaks it down into manageable chunks if you may. They include; problem- what is the problem you are trying solve?, brainstorm/research- how will the student be involved in brainstorming?, design-how will the students be involved in designing?, create-how will you use 3D printing (r other tools) to “solve” this problem. There always a section for reflection/extensions. This was improvements and sharing and presenting of the “idea” or lesson.