Throughout this course, we as students learned in great detail about difficult situations that many of our students suffer from. Some of which these sufferings we may or may not be aware of. Due to these unfortunate circumstances, students are sometimes dissociated and struggle with school. From this course, I was able to gain a whole new awareness and strategies about how to help these students. At the end of the term, we had a project where we had to teach the class about a topic in further detail. This is was an amazing opportunity to show your overall learning and understanding.
“The course addresses diversity issues that affect students in K-12 classrooms. Hate crime protected indentities will be examined, as well as other differences – like body size, low socio-economic status, homelessness, expelled & suspended students, children of incarcerated parents, and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES). If left unaddressed, these issues can lead to negatice scheool experience that disenfranchise students from learning opportunities. Increasing future educators’ and other professionals’ awareness of strategies that convey respect and value for students’ differences is critical for creating an inclusive and safe school climate for all students.” -(UNE)
Below you will see that work that I have selected. This course was unlike any course that I have been enrolled in during my four years at UNE. Therefore, to stick with the common theme of this, I choose to select a project that was unlike any project that I had completed before. This presentation is (yes, still currently) my baby. I love this presentation and hope to edit and share with many in the following years. We were given an opportunity to create a presentation about our “Most-Important Learning” during the course. Therefore, this mean that it was hopefully something that really hit home and had a special place and your heart. Well this one did. I got to take a good chunk of time and present and teach my fellow peers about trauma and ACES with students who have Autism. It simply was the most amazing experience in my educational career. I hope you enjoy looking at my presentation and realize all of the hard work and dedication that went into creating this.