#tdc2697 #ds106 @eng304cripps @ds106dc “Hey Kid… Good Game!” You can always count on Stella to give some encouragement after a game. #givemeknuckles ?? pic.twitter.com/QlSpjwJuAo
— abigailab (@abigailab7) May 31, 2019
My name is Stella, and I am the most supportive pup there ever was. While spending the entire day on the sidelines watching my little brother play ultimate frisbee, of course one of my famous good game fist bump was well earned. I have been watching him play frisbee since I was a little puppy, you’d think that I would be able to catch a frisbee myself from all of the many hours spent watching. BUTTT… I’m too lazy and would much rather watch while getting a belly rub from my mom or dad. This week, I found the inspiration to dive into creating a GIF on my own. Come to find out… it was SO easy, and SO fun! I used the well known platform “GIFHY”. You are able to create a free account and upload a video from your camera roll. I capture this video today while watching my little brother play ultimate frisbee! Once I uploaded the video there were options to add text. After adding the text and placing it in position, you are able to then save the GIF to your camera roll. After it is saved, I was able to upload it to Twitter for my Daily Create!!