#tdc2697 #ds106 @eng304cripps @ds106dc “MORE coffee HOOMAN!!” #DogsofTwittter pic.twitter.com/1LNkRaZwbR
— abigailab (@abigailab7) May 31, 2019
Hello Hooman, it’s wonderful to see you! I forget how long it has been, but I am glad that you are here now. One request… MORE coffee please. Watching you complete all of your homework is exhausting. How do you do it? Can we go on a walk now? HELLO? Are you listening to me….
I have noticed that you have met Dutch. Dutch is my niece (or my sisters dog). I spent time with her this morning before heading over to watch my brother play ultimate frisbee. You can check out my other Daily Create to read more about that. Anyways, Dutch loves attention, she loves it so much that she’ll try and steal a sip of my coffee just to get my attention. She is just too cute to stay focused. I took this photo with my iPhone and I am surprised with the high image quality. Assuming that it had something to do with the proper lighting! I was able to simply upload this image to Twitter and provide a quick write up for my Daily Create. And yes.. oops did you catch me.. I did two in one day because well… My day was filled with dogs, how convenient?!?!