#tdc2701 #ds106 @eng304cripps @ds106dc STOP…. I’m always watching. (Warning: no street signs were harmed in the making of this daily create -epic photoshop) pic.twitter.com/jrGTRQkT7V
— abigailab (@abigailab7) June 4, 2019
WARNING Δ….. NO STREET SIGNS WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS DAILY CREATE. I was shocked that once I uploaded my image to Twitter, how much it looked like I went out on the streets of Portland, Maine with my can of black spray paint to create my own attempt of Clet Abraham’s work. Well.. I did not do that.. Sorry to disappoint anyone who was craving some “bada$$” behavior. I did however, find this stop sign on my way home from walking the Back Cove trail and thought it would be perfect to mess around with on photoshop. It was a beautiful afternoon to stretch my legs before sitting down in front of my computer to get some work done! Before I started messing with my photo of the street sign, I did google Clent Abraham to see some of his famous work. And boy, was it creative with tons of humor behind each and everyone of his creations. Once I felt inspired and slightly confident in myself to create a piece of work on my own, I went to my new favorite website that I visit now almost everyday called “Pixlr Editor” (you can find it here: https://pixlr.com/editor/ ) Before I got started, I need to crop the image and rotate it. This was pretty easy and straight forward! From here, I was able to add the paint options to the image. After I selected my color (black..) , it was easy to move the mouse around while it painted on top of the image. Once I was happy with the final image and MEME, I clicked ‘save’ and it was on my desktop waiting to be uploaded for this assignment!