Abigail's ePortfolio
The Teacher's Toolbox
About Me
ENG 304
DS106 Work
DS106 – “What’s the MEME”
DS106 – “Selfie With Your Dog”
DS106 – “Demotivate Yourself MEME”
DS106 ANIMATED GIF “Say It Like Peanut Butter”
DS106 “WEB assignment”
DS106 ANIMATED GIF assignment “Home Video”
DS106 WEB assignment “What They Might Have Done in Social Media”
DS106 “Turn a GIF into a FIG”
DS106 IMAGES “We’re the Real Like Brady Bunch”
DS106 WEB Assignment “Remix Guinness Book of World Records”
DS106 IMAGES assignment, The Forrest Gump Project
DS106 Video Assignment “Digital Story Compilation”
Daily Create Work
Daily Create #tdc2692
Daily Create #tdc2697
Daily Create #tdc2697 (pt.2)
DAILY CREATE #tdc2703/4
Daily Create #tdc2709
Daily Create #tdc2710
Daily Create #tdc2716
Daily Create #tdc2717
Daily Create #tdc2721
EDU 110
EDU 330
EDU 385
First Post for Blog Project
Welcome to the Teacher’s Toolbox!
“The children who need love the most will always ask for it in the most unloving ways” -Russel Barkely……. The Trauma Informed Approach
Befriending the Parents 101
Let’s Get… Personal. Shall We?
Three Dimensional Learning….Next Generation Science Standards
Smarter Balance Assessments…. maybe, torturing small children assessment
“We only get what we believe that we deserve. Raise the bar, raise your standards and you will receive a better outcome.” Joel Brown
A new look on Mindfulness in the classroom.
My Morning Meeting Daily Planning Guide
It’s all about Strategy!!
Codecademy Achievements
Daily Create Work