“Jumping into summer like…”
For this assignment, we were asked to create an animated GIF. The prompt said, “For this assignment, you will need one thing that eveyone has. A home video! Choose a video that you have filmed yourself and create a gif from that video.” I panicked for a minute because of ALL of the video’s I have to pick from. Yes, I am that one in the family who records/captures everything…. Well, I am not feeling too sorry about this because it made completing this assignment very fun (and easy!). So this was the home video I finally picked and I think it is absolutely the cutest thing ever! This is my little cousin, jumping in from the side of the pool EVER. It was a very…VERY big deal. So, I thought it was a perfect video to create into an animated GIF with. And yes, in fact, this was a video actually taken at home too 🙂 To create this GIF, I was able to look through my camera roll on my computer. I narrowed the search down by selecting only the videos. I have too many pictures… After that, I selected my video and dragged it on to my desktop. From there I headed to the all familiar now GIPHY website. A quick upload was all it took. From here, I was able to edit and adjust the timing of the video to make it exactly what I wanted. It is about a 3 second loop. My favorite part is his little face looking at the camera before jumping in!! Anyways, the past couple of days have me very excited for summer (not sure what is up with the rain today…)