Two dogs and a girl with cross country skis head into the woods….. This sounds like the beginning to a murder mystery novel. Well, sorry folks, no mystery to solve here. I for one am indeed very much so alive. So let me do a little introduction to the two lions (oh wait.. DOGS!) standing next me to me. On the left is Khloè. She is about three years old and has more attitude than a diva walking down the runway. Her favorite way to spend the day is being outside and exploring while going for walks . Beside her is Stella. Stella is roughly 6 years old and is the biggest love you’ll ever meet. Stella enjoys lounging on the couch and sleeping away the day while receiving occasional belly rubs from anyone that passes by. Both Stella and Khloè are in fact related. They are not sisters, however they are aunt and niece. It is very evident that they share such a special bond with one another. This is my most favorite picture of my beautiful pups because we are all enjoying a snowy day on the trails cross country skiing. This picture was captured to send to my parents who at the time were sitting on a warm sunny beach in Florida. I was trying to convey to them that I was not at all jealous and would much rather be outside in the February cold air, in the beautiful state of Maine (convincing??? I’m not too sure about that…) I did not choose to edit or place a filter over the image, as I wanted to show the natural beauty of the great outdoors.